A loving community of Christ-followers glorifying God together by making disciples of all nations

Posts from January 2015

The Original Valley Girls

Whether it’s things we have presently or things we hope to have in the future, trusting in the comforts and securities of the present world is dangerous business. The story of Lot’s wife and daughters is a tragic one, but one the Church can and must learn from. Lot’s wife had so much of her hope and identity invested in material possessions…

Do-Over Button: What the Church Can Learn from Sarah

Everybody makes bad choices. For this reason everyone would love to have a “Do-Over” button that could be pressed the moment we feel the pain of poor judgment. But whether it’s words, thoughts, or actions we would go back and re-do if given the option, the notion is really a fanciful one; this life simply doesn’t afford us do-overs. Choices are real,…

Welcome 2015!

Among your other New Year’s resolutions where does Bible-reading fall in terms of importance? Hopefully nourishing your spirit with the divine truth of God’s Word tops the list! This year I’ll be using a simple strategy for staying consistent in my Bible reading. I like check marks; there’s something gratifying about having a list of tasks and being able to check them…