A loving community of Christ-followers glorifying God together by making disciples of all nations

Sermons on 1 John

“God’s Love is Perfected in Us”

If God took the initiative to love you in your sinfulness you can imitate Him by being a loving, initiative-taking wife, husband, fellow church member, Christian co-worker, parent, son or daughter, friend, or fiancée. Whatever the relationship, whatever the situation, it’s possible to imitate and initiate God’s personal and sacrificial love if and only if the Spirit of this same God inhabits you.

“Love is From God”

The universe wasn’t created by a feeling. You and I weren’t saved by a feeling. Our Creator and Savior is not a feeling; He’s a Person! Actually, He’s three Persons in one with a plan and a shared will to carry out that plan. His will toward us is grace, and that sin-forgiving grace is set in motion by His redeeming love for us.