A loving community of Christ-followers glorifying God together by making disciples of all nations

Sermons on Prayer (Page 3)

“Praying on Purpose”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m in favor of occasional praying—we should pray on every occasion that we’re moved in our hearts to pray, no matter where, when, why, or for what or whom! But to be people like Daniel, we need something more; God wants something more from us, and for us. To be occasional pray-ors is to see God as someone to whom we occasionally go. But by making prayer the occasion we’re saying God is most important, and that spending time with God is the central organizing principle of our lives.

“What Does Prayer Do?”

Praying to a God who bases His decisions on what we pray or don’t pray for is to pray to a lesser God than the Bible’s God. And to not pray because God predestines is to disobey the Bible’s God. But praying to a God who orders all things in His universe—right down to every word every person will ever say—is not only to pray to the Bible’s God but to have the fullest, most biblical view of prayer possible, and to embrace the fact that this God employs our prayers in the execution of His fixed eternal will and plan.