A loving community of Christ-followers glorifying God together by making disciples of all nations

Sermons on Prayer (Page 2)

“Continue Steadfastly in Prayer”

I hope you don’t leave this prayer series having just learned a few new facts about prayer: the difference between praying occasionally and making prayer an occasion; that a heart examined by God through prayer is a heart that’s useful to God; how prayer and predestination work together; that there’s a difference between struggling TO pray and struggling IN prayer, and that…

How Great a Struggle

Struggle. It’s something we all face at different times and in varying degrees of intensity, including struggle for the sake of others. We all know what it means to struggle through something personally. Physical, mental, emotional, financial, chemical, spiritual, relational—these are a few of the big categories of common personal struggle. But if you’ve ever labored long and hard for something on…

“We Have Not Ceased Praying for You”

Paul doesn’t pray for the Colossians to be filled and strengthened so that they can get saved. He petitions God for their filling and strengthening so that they can demonstrate to the world what saved people look like and live like! And saved people look and live like their Savior, who constantly mediates a new covenant between God and man, whose blood constantly pleads for our forgiveness and redemption. As Christians (i.e., ‘little Christs’), do we do that for each other through prayer?

“Praying for Others”

You can have a house full of electrical sockets, but if there’s no wiring connecting them to the power source, plugging your toaster or sweeper into the wall is pointless. Prayer is the line that carries our load before God, and prayer is the channel through which God’s power flows to His people.